I WON SOMETHING ! Australian Photography Magazine - Peoples Choice

Hi guys, well its not very often i enter photography competitions , so recently just for fun i submitted a couple of entries into a Monthly Competition run by the very well reputed Australian Photography Magazine , the theme was "BLUE" . As soon as i seen the theme one of my photos in particular came to mind , an old favourite that i shot at Cape Tourville in Tasmania a while ago , it is a zoomed in image of "The Nuggets" a couple of lone rock formations out off the Cape Tourville Lighthouse.  To be honest i never rate my chances in photography competitions as there are far better photographers out there than me, hence the reason i don't enter many, so to be told i made the final cut was a big surprise to me.

So the series of "Finals Images" went to social media for a People's Choice vote and much to my surprise my image managed to win the People's Choice Award . I really want to sincerely thank the people that took the time to vote for my image, your ongoing support of my photography career is genuinely appreciated.

The winning prize is a yearly subscription to Australian Photography Magazine , a nice prize & a great little aussie mag , who knows i might even enter another photography competition someday , thanks for reading :-) Brett

click above for more info 

click above for more info